I love to make gingerbread at Christmas time. The recipe I use has freshly crushed pepper and has a great kick to it. Love it! The Homemade Happiness download is perfect for me! I frame it and use it in my kitchen from November to January. One of the great things about templates is that you not only get the premade template, you also get all the little pieces that make up the template. There was a question on one of my favorite forums on how to find all those fun little pieces from the templates. The Homemade Happiness download as a whole would be found in your designer templates. If you wanted to print it as it is, you would open a designer template and look in the 8 1/2 by 11 portrait size. They are then listed alphabetically. If you want to only use one of the pieces from the template, you would open any type of project you want, then choose "stamps" or "Embellishments", this kit has both. When looking for the pieces it helps to note that there are two sections of "Stamps". There are stamp sets that are only that, stamp sets. These are listed alphabetically first in your list of stamps. There are also stamps that come from kits. These are listed alphabetically in the second list of stamps, under "Designer kits". Sometimes I can't find a stamp set and I think I've looked everywhere, then I realize that it was part of something else, like a kit or a template, and I forget to check that list. You can also search for the stamps by part of the name with the search feature.

Start here if you are wanting to use the template fully finished.

Sometimes when I open my templates, the middle preview box is squished skinny, like in this picture at the left. You can still see part of the template, so I didn't think it was a big deal until I realized that sometimes there are two side by side, and I'm only seeing one. You can stretch your box bigger and see the whole thing. Bring your cursor over to the side of the window, then drag it till its wide enough to see two pages.
See how there are two templates next to each other? I would have missed the one on the right if I had not expanded my window.
This screen shot is to show the second set of stamps listed at the very bottom of the first list of stamps. See the box next to "designer kits"? click that to get your next group of stamps.
You can use the search feature a few ways. If you forgot the name of the kit but knew there was a ginger bread man, type in gingerbread and see what comes up. The stamp will then have the kits name next to it, and you can then click open all the stamps in the set. Or, if you know the sets name, type in that. I typed in "homemade" and got a few different sets as well.
Here are the fun embellishments with this template. Love that cute gingerbread man! I've used that mixing bowl a few times in my scrapbooking too.

Here is a fun page I made of my daughter and I making yummy cookies! See the cute gingerbread man? This page also uses the Homestyle Goodies kit, which I used in last weeks MDS Monday Challenge! These are great downloads for this time of year.
Homestyle Goodies # 132560 $9.95
Homemade Happiness #132190 $2.95
Thanks for stopping by!
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