
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

End of year class photo

Hello everyone!  I thought I would share a card I made for all the kids in Jillian's kindergarten class.  I was the room mom this year and so I was able to be in the classroom quite a bit.  I thought it would be fun to make a little photo card for all the kids and so I choose the tri-fold card in 5 by 7.  It is really big when opened and so I was able to get a lot of photos on it.  I made sure to get each child on the card in two individual photos and in both group shots.  I think they will really enjoy it and I know if I was a mom I would love to see the kids in their rooms too. 

The card can stand on its own so the kids can put it up on their dressers.

I added photos of the kids from all throughout the year so the kids could remember all the fun special days like reindeer day and spider day, apple day and 5 senses day. 

On the cover I used a shot where they are all behaving nicely and standing straight.  Then on the back I used a photo where they are being silly.

I used the "See Ya Next Year" photobook kit to make the cards.  It has some really nice school themed papers and fun school themed stamps and the washi tape. 
Hope the kids like them!  
With just a few days left to order print products before the end of Stampin' Up's support of MDS, I have been finishing up print projects like crazy. How about you?

Monday, May 25, 2015

Class of 2027!

Hello everyone!  It is Monday, which for a long time has meant MDS Monday to me!  But this is the last MDS Monday sketch!! Still hard to believe that MDS is being discontinued.  I still plan to use it and will post sketches and pages here to this blog as long as it gets looked at :)  This week for MDS Monday we are showing our favorite downloads. It was really hard for me to choose a download that was my favorite because I have quite a few.  I tend to like the digital kits and ensembles because they have all the elements you need for a great page. Papers, stamps, embellishments, all co-ordinated to work together.  For this page I decided to use ONLY one kit.  I used the Finest Simplicity kit. 
I love the frames in this kit, as well as the papers.  I have used it many times.  Here is a previous page I used this kit with. And again here.
Head on over to the MDS Monday blog to see the rest of the design team's pages and favorites!  We hope that you will play along with us this week!!  and let us know what your favorite kit is!  Remember that you have until June 2nd to purchase downloads!! 
Here is a grouping of my favorite kits...

Monday, May 18, 2015

MDS Monday #114

Hello everyone!  We have a new sketch at MDS Monday today!  This time Cindy has created the challenge.  I choose to use some Last day of school photos for my page.  These are from two years ago and it is hard to believe that there are just 3 more weeks of school left this year! David will be starting 8th grade next year and Zachary will be in 3rd!  Time flies.  The middle photo is Zachary in kindergarten and I have an almost identical photo of my son David with that same kindergarten teacher.  Jillian has her this year so I will be sure to take one of her with Mrs. Cortez and I will make a page with all three of them. 

Here is Cindy's sketch.  We hope that you will play along with us at MDS Monday!  Head on over to the blog and see what the rest of the team has come up with, then give the sketch a try of your own! We can't wait to see what you do with MDS!  or MMS if you have switched over :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Today's page uses...

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Digital Download Must haves...

Well it is getting close to the end for MDS and the fantastic downloads from Stampin' Up! :(  So Sad.
I have been going over some "Must Haves" and thought I would share a few of my "Must Have" downlaods. 
When going through your stamps be sure to check if you have some great backgrounds and overlays.

It is also important to have some good Borders...

I have been going through the stamp brush sets so make sure what I have and what I think I "need" before they go, and thought I would share these goodies.  Be sure to check your stamps to see what you have and what holes you think you want to fill!  Feel free to share some favorites with me too, I would love to hear your ideas!

Monday, May 11, 2015

MDS Monday #113

Hi everyone!  It's Monday! We have a new sketch up at MDS Monday today and this one is brought to you by me :)  These are some old photos!  I took these 5 years ago at the Children's museum.  It seems that every year my friend Joanna and I took our kids to the Children's Museum during the summer.  Now they are too big, except for Jillian who is the youngest.  I may have to take her on her own one afternoon. On this particular visit there were very few people at the museum and the kids had the music room to themselves.  Wow did they make some noise! Happy crazy noise!   Fun times!

 Here is the sketch.  I hope you will play along with us this week.  Head on over to the MDS Monday blog and see what the rest of the team has come up with.  Then, give it a try yourself! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Monday, May 4, 2015

MDS Monday #112

Hello!  There is a new sketch today at MDS Monday! This one is brought to us by Anita and we are focusing on one special picture.  Here is a fun picture of my kids with some of their cousins at a pumpkin patch several falls ago!  That little guy in orange on the right is my David and he is now a teenager!
I love this download called "Wonderfall" because the papers are so cute!  there is another one I didn't use on this page that has the cutest woodland animals.  As my daughter says "Adorbs"! 

Here is the sketch!! We hope that you will play along with us!  head on over to the MDS Monday blog and see what the rest of the team has made, then give the sketch a try of  your own! We can't wait to see what you come up with!