
Monday, May 4, 2015

MDS Monday #112

Hello!  There is a new sketch today at MDS Monday! This one is brought to us by Anita and we are focusing on one special picture.  Here is a fun picture of my kids with some of their cousins at a pumpkin patch several falls ago!  That little guy in orange on the right is my David and he is now a teenager!
I love this download called "Wonderfall" because the papers are so cute!  there is another one I didn't use on this page that has the cutest woodland animals.  As my daughter says "Adorbs"! 

Here is the sketch!! We hope that you will play along with us!  head on over to the MDS Monday blog and see what the rest of the team has made, then give the sketch a try of  your own! We can't wait to see what you come up with!



  1. WOW! the fall colors -- beautiful papers! Lovely page!

  2. WOW! the fall colors -- beautiful papers! Lovely page!
