
Monday, September 28, 2015

A Game of Freeze, with a lesson thrown in :)

Hi Everyone! I wanted to share a quick page that I made this week.  This page shows the kids in my Wednesday night church class.  I have the preschool and kindergartners and we get pretty crazy sometimes. On this night we read a story about Jesus calming the storm and we made crazy storms out of paper and wiggled all around until I said to "Be Still" and then they froze.  They had a lot of fun.
I used a kit called Nautical Fun from My Memories. You can find the kit here. 

I used a sketch that I have used time and time again.  Luckily this page will go into the scrapbook I keep in the classroom and so it will not be next to a similar page in my home book.
 I recolored the digital tape and changed out the papers, but other wise I kept it pretty much the same.

These photos show just a bit of what is included in the kit.

Thanks for stopping by!

My Memories Freebies of the Week Sept 28/ Oct 4

Hello Everyone!  I wanted to share the My Memories freebies this week. 
The first one is a quick page, which means all you have to do is add a photo.  This page has a spooky spider and autumn leaves, just perfect for a fun Halloween picture.

Click here to get this freebie.

The second Freebie this week is a quick page element.  These are fun, just add this cluster to a simple page with a nice framed photo and you are done. 

Click here to get this freebie.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A tough Act to Follow

My husband likes to be creative when he plates food.  He likes to make structures out of the toast and usually serves toast as a log cabin. This is in itself not a problem and actually very cute, but now  Jillian wants her toast to always be a building.  And Jillian has a big imagination, so she would like me to make her toast a fairy house, or a princess castle with a bridge and a turret. Thanks Ben!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Project Life style page ~ Flower Garden

Hello everyone! Today I thought I would share a page that I made with a Project Life style look to it.  If you are not familiar with Project Life I will give you a brief description.  Project Life is a style that is supposed to make scrapbooking easy so that you can get your photos out of your computer or phone and into pages.  They are based on "pockets" and you slip your photos into some of the pocket and journaling cards and accents into the rest of the pockets.  Stampin' Up! got into digital pocket cards a while back and partnered with Becky Higgins (the creator of Project Life) two catalogs ago to make paper and digital pockets cards.  I am coping that idea hear by adding paper boxes and photo boxes to my digital page.  I used papers and embellishments from the Sunny Day kit for this page.  FYI the sunny day kit is part of the Express Booster Pack which I have available in my digital content CD's, click the tab above to see all the CD's that are available. 
This page is of my Wednesday night religious Ed class. These kids really enjoyed making the flowers for our poster.  They love it when the projects involve liquid glue or paint.  They also like to look through our class photo album and remember our past projects, so I keep a scrapbook in the room and sometimes bring it out when one of my past kids come by to say "Hi". 

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 14, 2015


Hello everyone!  Are you wondering what Adorbs is?  It is how my daughter Jillian says Adorable, which she certainly is :)
I snapped this photo the other day as she was sleeping.  This is the image I see at night when I go to check in on her before I go to sleep.  She loves to read in bed and often has 5 or 6 books near her about to crash to the floor.  I love her little sleep mask!  It came with a set of princess pajamas and she just loves it because she wants her desk light on to read by, but then doesn't want to get up to turn out the light when she gets sleepy. 

here is the sketch.

The papers I used here are from a download called #happy, which you can see here.

I have used this kit on several of my daughters pages.  Lots of great papers and elements here!
As I type this the kit is on sale for $4.79! Wowza!

The Title was made with a download by Allison Pennignton called "It's a Breeze"
I recolored the letters to go with my page.

Thanks for stopping by!  And please feel free to share a page you made on my Facebook page, I would love to see what you are up to.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Ridges Sanctuary

Hello everyone!  Today I am sharing a page I made with photos from our family vacation this summer.  One of the places we like to visit while in Door County Wisconsin is the Ridges Sanctuary.  We have been going on hikes there for many years and they have been taking up a collection for a new nature center.  When we arrived this year we saw the wonderful new nature center up and running.  They were still adding exhibits but the area that was finished was a butterfly area and we were just amazed at what we saw.  There were many caterpillars eating milkweed, but also other butterflies in various stages of life.  We saw one butterfly fanning its wings which were still dripping from just being hatched.  We saw another caterpillar wiggling around while hanging from the top of the mesh enclosure.  The woman who was working there told us that she thought the caterpillar was about to shed its skin so we kept watching and sure enough it split open its back and wiggled out of its stripped skin.  It was somewhat gross and amazing at the same time.  Then we watched as it turned into the bright green chrysalis you see in the photo.  Wow!  We were all mesmerized.  
I remembered this wonder paper that I bought months earlier and just had to use it for these photos.
The kit was called RSVP and it is really pretty.
You can get a whole bundle, which is on sale as I write this for just $8.38. Here is a link.

or just the embellishments.

Or just the papers, love the gray and yellow!
15 patterns and 5 solids for $3.99 as I type this up.

There are even some really pretty journal cards for pocket scrapbooking.  These are fun to just layer on a page as a tag or journaling space. 
I bought the bundle, couldn't help myself.

I used a sketch that I have used before. 

Thanks for stopping by!! Feel free to share a page on my Facebook page if you like, I would love to see your digital pages too!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

New Freebies from My Memories

Hello everyone.  My Memories has released some new Freebies today.
The first one is this set of 2 page elements, great for titles or fun sentiments.
Click here for this download. 

 The second freebie is a set of 3 papers and 6 page elements.
click here for this one.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Sunflower Farm

Hello everyone!  I thought I would share this page I made with a new download called "summer journal ~ mason jars"
I bought it a couple weeks back for just $2.00

You can find it here.  
It is no longer on sale but it is only $3.99 so its not bad. I changed the flowers on my page because I wanted them to be yellow. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Fun Fonts for the Fall and Winter Season

Hi Everyone!  I thought I would share some fun fonts that I found for the Holidays!  These fonts are free for personal use and you can find them at   Just type in the font name in the search, the font names are the ones under the sample word, so for the upper left font the name is MASTOC and not Mistletoe.  
These are super fun.  Imagine the cute tags and cards and scrapbook pages you can make with these.

This collection of fonts is from a fun website I found while searching on Pinterest.  You need to go to her site, Elegance&Enchantment to get links to these fun fonts.  She has lots of good stuff on the blog, so once you are there browse through the other fonts.

Thanks for stopping by!