
Monday, September 28, 2015

A Game of Freeze, with a lesson thrown in :)

Hi Everyone! I wanted to share a quick page that I made this week.  This page shows the kids in my Wednesday night church class.  I have the preschool and kindergartners and we get pretty crazy sometimes. On this night we read a story about Jesus calming the storm and we made crazy storms out of paper and wiggled all around until I said to "Be Still" and then they froze.  They had a lot of fun.
I used a kit called Nautical Fun from My Memories. You can find the kit here. 

I used a sketch that I have used time and time again.  Luckily this page will go into the scrapbook I keep in the classroom and so it will not be next to a similar page in my home book.
 I recolored the digital tape and changed out the papers, but other wise I kept it pretty much the same.

These photos show just a bit of what is included in the kit.

Thanks for stopping by!

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