
Monday, September 14, 2015


Hello everyone!  Are you wondering what Adorbs is?  It is how my daughter Jillian says Adorable, which she certainly is :)
I snapped this photo the other day as she was sleeping.  This is the image I see at night when I go to check in on her before I go to sleep.  She loves to read in bed and often has 5 or 6 books near her about to crash to the floor.  I love her little sleep mask!  It came with a set of princess pajamas and she just loves it because she wants her desk light on to read by, but then doesn't want to get up to turn out the light when she gets sleepy. 

here is the sketch.

The papers I used here are from a download called #happy, which you can see here.

I have used this kit on several of my daughters pages.  Lots of great papers and elements here!
As I type this the kit is on sale for $4.79! Wowza!

The Title was made with a download by Allison Pennignton called "It's a Breeze"
I recolored the letters to go with my page.

Thanks for stopping by!  And please feel free to share a page you made on my Facebook page, I would love to see what you are up to.

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