Hello everyone! Today I am sharing a page I made with photos from our family vacation this summer. One of the places we like to visit while in Door County Wisconsin is the Ridges Sanctuary. We have been going on hikes there for many years and they have been taking up a collection for a new nature center. When we arrived this year we saw the wonderful new nature center up and running. They were still adding exhibits but the area that was finished was a butterfly area and we were just amazed at what we saw. There were many caterpillars eating milkweed, but also other butterflies in various stages of life. We saw one butterfly fanning its wings which were still dripping from just being hatched. We saw another caterpillar wiggling around while hanging from the top of the mesh enclosure. The woman who was working there told us that she thought the caterpillar was about to shed its skin so we kept watching and sure enough it split open its back and wiggled out of its stripped skin. It was somewhat gross and amazing at the same time. Then we watched as it turned into the bright green chrysalis you see in the photo. Wow! We were all mesmerized.
I remembered this wonder paper that I bought months earlier and just had to use it for these photos.
The kit was called RSVP and it is really pretty.
You can get a whole bundle, which is on sale as I write this for just $8.38.
Here is a link.
or just the embellishments.
Or just the papers, love the gray and yellow!
15 patterns and 5 solids for $3.99 as I type this up.
There are even some really pretty journal cards for pocket scrapbooking. These are fun to just layer on a page as a tag or journaling space.
I bought the bundle, couldn't help myself.
I used a sketch that I have used before.
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