
Monday, June 8, 2015

Sleepy little monsters

Hi Digi scrappers. I have another page to share with you.  This page is of my little cuties after a long day of Halloween fun.  They were giggling and being silly on the way home from trick or treating at grandma and grandpa's.  Just before they had fun at Zachary's preschool class party.  Jillian got to go to the party to since I was the room mom and needed to be there.  There are only 7 kids in his class so it was not a big deal to add Jillian to the mix.  All off a sudden it got really quiet and I looked in the rear view mirror I saw them sound asleep, Zachary still wearing some plastic fangs he got while trick or treating.  When I pulled into the driveway I had to snap a few pictures before getting them out of the car.  Too cute!!
Here is the sketch that I made.  I hope  you are inspired to use it!  If you do please show me what you made on my Facebook page!  We can all get ideas from each other! 
Thanks for stopping by!!

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