
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A litle inspiration to hang on my wall.

Hello digital friends.  I thought I would share a print I made today to hang above my work space. 

I have made similar things with this background before and I love to use it again and again, one of the wonderful things about digital. 

It starts with a background of some sort of newsprint.

Next look for stamps that look like watercolor and add them all around the page.  You can change the opacity on some if you wanted.

Next add your desired stamps. 

Next open the free form tool and add a wash over the stamped images.  I made the opacity about 75%.

Now send your white wash layer back behind the stamps and print it out.   I printed on watercolor paper that I trimmed to 8 1/2 by 11 so that it would fit in my printer. 

Next I watercolored the stamp images with Aqua Painters and ink.  I also printed out some text to add to the print out. 

Hope you give it a try!!

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