
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Heading off to Middle School

Hi all!   It's back to school time again and I always make sure to get some pictures of the kids as they head off to school.  My oldest son David is beginning Middle School this year!  He is pretty happy about it all so far.  First time taking a bus, First time using a locker, and first time going from room to room all day.  We did a walk through the week before school and he will definitely be getting some exercise this year.  He's got classes all three different floors and at both ends of the school!   On the day of the walk through I brought out my camera.  He should be used to this as I've been stalking him with a camera for almost 12 years now.  But on this day, he wasn't having it.   He would not turn around until I put it away.  I can't blame him, he was surrounded by other middle school kids.  
This page uses the perfectly titled "Back to School" download! And, this week at there is a "School's in Session" contest, so I entered this page there too.  The prize is a free download!  What are you going to enter?  It's not just for demonstrators, so join on in.  If you are not sure how to upload your page to their site, let me know and I'll walk you through it!  

Funny side note, David just walked in and is worried one of you will now break into his locker!  I told him that would only happen if he was keeping a stash of Stampin' Up! products in their!  My  fellow crafters are not interested in stealing his math book. :)   Too Cute!

1 comment:

  1. Beth, I think the pictures are perfect (along with the layout).
