
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School Happy Dance


Jillian was so excited to get back to pre-school.  She was dressed and ready to go for hours, even wore her backpack most of the morning. When it was finally time to go after lunch, she started doing the happy dance!

I wanted to point out a small detail on my page, that I think makes a difference, maybe you will too, or maybe you'll think I'm nuts for caring :)  On my title I used the ticket punch and I wanted to have the ribbon go through the ticket, as if that's how its attached to the page.  I added a grey circle punch behind the ribbon knot to mimic a hole punch.  Here it is without...
And here it is with the circles....
What do you think? 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a precious layout! Thanks for your tip on how you did your heading. Have a great school year!
