
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Thankfulness Trees

Hello everyone!  I am sharing a fun new page today of the kids in my class.  Some of you know that I teach the pre-school age group Wednesday nights at the church I attend.  It is a super small class that I have while parents are at choir practice or group study, and the kids are a little young to join in with the bigger kids.  We do a little lesson and craft or snack and then we play.  Several of my pages feature the kids and I keep a scrapbook in the classroom.  Every so often the kids look through the book and remember some of the stories we learned about and I like this because I feel it helps cement the lesson in their minds or at least they recall it again, which can't hurt right?  Sometimes some of the older kids come back and look through the book too, which is sweet, or the little ones will see their bigger brothers and sisters in the pages and that is great too.  This is why I love scrapbooking.  Preserving memories for later is great to be sure, but cementing bonds in the short term is even better.  My kids will often look through the scrapbook and see themselves playing with a cousin they don't see often or even there current friends, and it reminds them 'these people love me' or 'I had fun with my dad that day' and so many other great thoughts.  In this page the kids learned their verse and then they told me things they were thankful for.  I then wrote those things, some of them even wrote the words themselves, onto leaves and we decorated a tree.   They seemed to get into the idea and came up with a lot to be thankful for.
To create my page I used this fun kit from Lynne Marie called Nutmeg.  She has a whole series that works together.  You can get them as a bundle or separately. There is also a free add on, which I were I got my background.
This is the Free add-on.  I love the tree rings and the frame.

Thanks for stopping by! 

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