
Monday, August 17, 2015

My Super Daughter!

Hi everyone!  Today I am sharing a fun page of my daughter Jillian.  She participated in the summer reading program at the library and the theme this year was super heroes.  My kids all love super heroes so they all really got into it.  The library had lots of super fun things for the kids to do, including a dress up bin full of costumes.  There was a game with a row of phone booths and you had to go into a phone booth and get your costume on, and the first to finish was the winner. Jillian choose lots of super hero themed books to read and completed the whole summer challenge.
I had this kit that I bought a while back because I thought it was so cute, and then when I looked at these photos I was so happy to get a chance to use my kit!  It is called My Hero by Kayne Winiecki.  I know I will get some more fun pages out of this kit with my boys too.  It comes with 10 papers and a bunch of embellishments.  Very fun.  I think that this designer has a lot of fun kits, many with doodle images which I really like.  You can see this kit here at the Lilypad.

Here is my comic book inspired sketch.  Hope you find it fun!  If you make a page I would love to see it!  Feel free to share it with me on my Facebook page! Let's inspire one another!

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