
Friday, August 21, 2015

Eighth Grade!

Hello everyone! It's back to school time! Yea! I snapped a few photos of my son David as we dropped off his school supplies on Monday.  He's not really into posing for photos at school these days to these were the best I could do.  :)   One thing I noticed is that he is now taller than the lockers!  He is getting so big and turning into such a great young man we are very proud of him! 

I used a kit called "School Zone" by Kimberly Jensen.  You can find the kit here at the LilyPad.

You can buy parts of the kit (papers and elements separately )or the whole kit as a bundle.  There are lots of great pieces to the kit.  My friend Deanna brought it to my attention, thanks Deanna!! This is a fun kit! Love the spiral notebooks! The locker lock was perfect for mt page too!

Here is my sketch.  Hope you gained some digi inspiration today! Feel free to share your pages on my Facebook page, we would love to see some digital inspiration from you as well!  Lets document those memories!!

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