
Thursday, July 30, 2015

First Catch

I only had one photo from this day, sent to me by the scout master.  I love that he was so thoughtful and sent the photo since I was not at the actual event.   David and his troop learned how to make their own flies and practiced fly fishing. David was one of the lucky few who actually caught a fish that day.

I used a kit that was on sale at Sweet Shoppe Designs, probably no longer on sale but maybe will be again soon and even if it is not, i think the price is really nice and I love the little embellishments in the kit.  It is called By The Seaside: Miscellany, by Zoe Pearn.  I just bought the little add on kit, there is a bigger kit that goes with it that has a lot of papers and I may have to go back and get that one as well.  It has 2 sets of alphabet embellishments in denim and canvas, and a lot of really pretty papers.
I love the little pinwheels and the doilies.  very cute!
here is a link if you want to check it out. 
There is a lot of great content at this site and I  have gotten a few notices on sales so check it often. I think I got the kit on sale for $0.99!
Thanks for stopping by!

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