
Monday, June 29, 2015

Can't Rain on Zachary's Parade

I love that I live in a town that has parades.  We have been going to the parades since we moved here over 20 years ago.  Our oldest son David has marched in a few parades and this Memorial Day Zachary got to march in the parade for the first time.  He was so happy about it that I was sad when I saw that the weather was not going to cooperate with our day.  The rest of us watched the parade and waited to see Zachary go by. I was a little worried about the rain and thought maybe he was upset to have been left with the scouts without Ben or I.  When I saw his group coming I scanned for his face and was so happy to see his big grin.  Then when he heard us calling his name and waving his smile got even bigger.  The rain could not spoil his fun. 
Here is my sketch for this page.  Hope you can use the sketch for some pages of your own.  I would love to see your pages if you do and if you care to share, post them to my Facebook page under my post of the sketch.  I would love for all of us who are still using MDS to gain inspiration from each other.

Thanks for stopping by!

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