
Thursday, February 19, 2015


If you grew up in the Chicago land area you might remember Kiddieland.  It was a small amusement park with retro rides and cotton candy.  I remembered going there as a kid and when I heard it was closing permanently I had to take the kids just one last time.  It was loads of fun! 
This page was a sketch challenge on an MDS Facebook page called MDS Virtual Digi Crop.  If I've said it once I have said it a hundred times, the way to get good at using My Digital Studio is to use it.  And the best way to do that is to take part in challenges.  Just do it.  Even if you don't ever print them out, you will get practice.  And then when you do print them out you will love them and so will your family It's great to look through an album when friends and family are over.  They are great ways to go down memory lane, or to start a conversation. 
Favorite part of this page...
Zachary's expression!  He really thought he was taking some tight corners.  He was really into the driving and let his imagination run wild. 

This is a really simple sketch and I just used photo boxes filled with paper, nothing else.  The background is a designer paper too (from the "stay on track" download).  So basically there are 4 photos and three papers on this page, and 2 text boxes,  nothing else.   I was trying to think of more to add but I just didn't like anything else on the page.  Sometimes simple is best.
Thanks for stopping by today!   

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