
Monday, January 19, 2015

MDS Monday challenge #98 ~ Punches!

Hi Everyone! It's Monday!!  We have a new sketch for you are MDS Monday that I hope you will play along with.  We are filling punch shapes with photos.  This is an easy challenge that I hope you will take the time to complete because it will give you some insight into punches and ways to use them that you can keep tucked away for future use.  I attached a couple videos to the main blog post if you need some help getting started. 
You can see on my page that I used both a photo and some paper in my punch.  Sometimes you may have a hard time fitting a photo into your shape and you may not want to cut off someones ear, so adding a bit of background helps, as in my page.  Or you can even add multiple photos to a page, as Heidi did on our MDS Monday blog post.
Here is the sketch.  Feel free to use any punch shape you have.

Here is a page I did a few years back highlighting a whole year in one page.  I used an alphabet punch and filled it with multiple images.  Here is a great video for this page, which is where I got my inspiration.

I hope you will play along with our challenge this Week!!


  1. Beth, I love your challenge for this week, and I ADORE your Jillian page!!! That is just the sweetest picture. So is the page of Zachary as well; I've often thought of doing a page like that. Anyway, thanks for coming up with a great challenge, and as always, great examples!!!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it! What a sweet page for such a sweet photo!!! This is just beautiful and I am so glad that you chose that to be your inspiration this week! Thank you!
