
Monday, October 13, 2014

MDS Monday sketch #86 herringbone

Hi Everyone!  It's MDS Monday time again.  Heidi is the hostess and she is having us try out a herringbone technique on our page.  I have not tried this before so it was fun to take the challenge. It took a little bit of time but was very simple and there are several videos that you can look at to make it even easier.  Here is a link to the one I watched.   The video is a few years old so the MDS desktop looks a bit different that how it looks today but the punches and techniques are still the same so the video works nicely.  Heidi has also given some tips and tricks on the MDS Monday site, so head on over there and see what the rest of the design team has come up with.  We hope you will play along!

Here is my take on the sketch.  Since  I used my grandfather for a sketch a few weeks back, I thought I would use a photo of Grandma this time. 

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Love the coloring on your page... works great with the old B&W photo!
