
Monday, August 25, 2014

MDS Monday # 79

Hi everyone!  Its time for a new sketch at MDS Monday!  Holly has a fun sketch for us and I just had to use it for my daughter Jillian's first day of school. She was so excited to go to school.  Holly also asked that we use one overlay stamp on our page.  An overlay stamp is one that is meant to add some texture to your background or added detail or border to your page or photos.  I used an overlay called "Vintage overlay 9".  I liked it because it has a fun ruler down the side and a sort of distressed edge.  I placed a white square behind it so that it wouldn't get lost on my grid paper background.   I used frames from "Finest Simplicity" around my photos, I thought they were cute with a sort of doodle look.

Here is Holly's sketch.  Head on over to the MDS Monday blog to see what the rest of the design team has come up with.  We hope that you will give the sketch a try on your own, we would love to see what you come up with!

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