
Monday, July 28, 2014

MDS Monday #75

Hi everyone!  Tara has a fun sketch for us this week at MDS Monday!  I hope that you will give it a try and play along with us!  Go over to the MDS Monday blog to see what the rest of the design time has come up with, then give the sketch a try of your own! We would love to see what you do with the sketch, so be sure to link your page or card back to our site with the link tool at the bottom of the post!  If you don't have a blog to link to, that is OK! You can link back to other galleries such as ( a free sharing blog where you can see and add to a photo gallery of samples)

I decided to use some photos that I found on my phone.  Every once and a while Zachary gets a hold of my phone and when he does I always find some silly pictures. 
I hope that you will give the sketch a try!! 

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