
Monday, July 14, 2014

MDS Monday #74

Happy Monday everyone!! This week I am hosting the challenge at MDS Monday!  I have a new twist on the grouped photo boxes that we have done in the past.  This time, after creating your grouped photo boxes, I would like you to try this trick, make all but one, black and white.  You don't have to keep to this grouping, make a grouping that works with your photo.  If you decide not to do the grouped boxes, then arrange your photos in a group and do one in color and the rest in black and white.  You can see what I mean by checking out what the rest of the design team came up with on the MDS Monday blog.  

Here is the basic sketch...

I couldn't decide if the top page was too dark, so I made another one.  I am still trying to decided which one to print out. 

Here is a video showing the grouped photo boxes technique...

The only way to get one of your photos color and the rest black and white is to "ungroup" when you are finished, and then change them.
I hope you will give this technique a try, I think it is fun.  And, since a lot of us are going to convention this week, we decided to leave the challenge up for a second week, so you will have plenty of time to give it a try!  We can't wait to see what you come up with!


  1. Wow, I love both of them! I would be hard-pressed to decide which to print too. I love the chevrons 'pointing' to the photo. These are amazing pages. Thanks for a great challenge this week!

  2. Beth, I love your template for this week, and your idea of shifting one panel! I loved trying it myself too. Your page turned out great (I vote for the first one)! It's a great way to focus on one person out of a crowd. Awesome technique!!!
