
Friday, May 2, 2014

Using Project Life Digital cards

Hi everyone!  I decided to make a few quick projects using the new Project Life digital download cards.  It is just so easy!!

 I started by looking through the pre-made photo layouts that come with the software.   I then added my photos where I wanted them, and then in the areas that didn't have photos, I deleted the photo box and added the card from the Project Life Everyday Adventures download.  I did have to edit the cards a bit, which was easy to do, I just changed the size to match that of the photo box I deleted.

 I decided to make a couple cards as well.  This was so fast and easy!
Even the arrow and "Happy" are from the same Everyday Adventures Download. 

On this card I used the color picker tool to color the "Happy Birthday" stamp, which is from the "Best Birthday Yet" download.

In case you are wondering where the comic book style star shape came from, I made it.  I edited a punch!!  I love this feature, it is so much fun!
I stared with a hexagon.  It's best to start with a similar shape, or at lease one with straight lines and points if what you want to create is very angular.  If you want something round and full, start with curvy punches.  Anyway, once you highlight the punch you want to use, click the Edit Shape button at the bottom.

Now your hexagon will open up in a new editing box. 

The first step it to click on the line you want to change, it will turn a bright blue.

Now you need to add more points.  Click on the "Insert Point".  I added two to three points to each side, all the way around the hexagon.

See all my points? 

Now I just pulled every other point into the center.  Easy peasy!

And the best part of making your own punches? They get stored in your library of punches!  you don't have to recreate it again next time.  Your new punch will be store under the "users" tab, or you can make your own tab and name it anything you want.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!!

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