
Monday, March 24, 2014

MDSM #59

Heidi had a fun sketch for us this week at MDS Monday!  I chose to use these fun pictures of my daughter getting ready to go to her first dance.  She was very excited to go to the Father / Daughter dance a few weeks back.  I let her pick out her own dress (thankfully she picked something nice)  and she practiced dancing for days before heading out with daddy.    The paper I used is from the Mailbox Love Digital Class.  

Here is the sketch.  Now head on over to the MDS Monday site to see what the rest of the team created.  We hope that you will give the sketch a try too, and that you will share your creation with us! 


  1. Beth, this is so, so adorable! I love the pictures, colors, little embellishments, everything! Darling, darling page!!! What a precious little girl you have.

  2. Beth, I love your page. The absolutely darling photos (she has the greatest smile) go so well with everything on the page.
