
Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I totally hurt my knee last week and I have been forced to sit on my couch for several days now.   I actually initially hurt my knee just before Christmas it hadn't felt quite right since.  Then Thursday as I took my daughter to Art class something snapped and I have been forced to the couch.  I can't even sit comfortably in my craft room!  I need my leg straight.  :(  Luckily I have a lap top and MDS to help me with my need to make something!! Holly and Jeanna, who are in the MDS Blog Hop with me, hosted a MDS Super Bowl challenge, with a new challenge during each quarter.
  I didn't learn about it until the 4th quarter, but I decided to play along with the final challenge any way.   If you have read my blog before you know I love a challenge to help me get started on a page.   This challenge was to use the number four for inspiration.  I went with four photos for my page.  Holly had a couple of sketches too, so I used one of them as a starting point.  This page features my daughter Jillian at her first day of winter soccer.  She was so excited to start.  The coaches had the kids line up as they explained the different things they would be doing, and Jillian was just jumping up and down , unable to stand still.  Too cute.  When ever a coach asked who wanted to go first or volunteer for something, Jillian's hand went up and she would jump up and down even more.  It was so much fun to watch her.  I had to use one of the photos of her jumping up and down on my page.  I used to think I could only use perfect pictures on my page, but I am learning to not worry about that.  The more important thing is the story and this story was Jillian's enthusiasm, so the blurry photo had to be on the page. 
Hope you like it and are inspired to create a page too!

1 comment:

  1. I just put together a comment, and when I hit publish it disappeared! Love this layout - everything highlights the fantastic photos. Love that you used the blurry photo. I wanted to participate in the challenge, but had a workshop that day and was too tired afterwards. Hope your knee gets better. Take good care.
