Once you look though this post, I hope you stick around to the end, because I want to show you how you can use this background template again and again with just a few changes. If my kids quiet down, I hope to make a video :)
I started with a newsprint background. There are several available in MDS. This project uses Mixed Medley. Next I looked for stamps that looked like a color wash. I decided to go with Happy Watercolor.
I applied the two different stamps to the page several times each. Next I enlarged them and rotated them and mirrored and flipped them so they looked different from each other, then i recolored them all Pool Party. I then added the dot stamp, also from Happy Watercolor, to the center of the page.
Next I looked through my stamp brush sets using the search feature. I put "Flower" into the search box and scrolled through until I found a doodle looking flower.
Next I added the stamps to the page, playing around with the sizes until I liked the way it looked. I also searched for a heart outline, because I wanted it to anchor my daughters name. I added the heart stamp, then reduced the opacity to 75%.
Nexted I played around with how to print it out. I first printed my page out on Whisper White paper, which turned out really good. I also tried printing it out on watercolor paper, which also worked nicely and gave my page some nice texture.
But then, I was sort of afraid to add the color. I really liked the way it looked and I didn't want to mess it up. I decided to make it smaller so I could fit 4 on a page, to use as practice. I exported the page to my photo folder. Next I opened a new blank page and added 4 photo boxes, 4 x 4 each, and added the page I had created as if it were a photo.

Once I liked how it looked I did the same with my large page, and I had four smalled pieced that I thought would make really nice cards. I then went back to my MDS program to make the text blocks. I opened a new page and added text boxes, filling them in with various texts in several sizes because I wasn't sure exactly what would fit or how much to add. I printed the page out and started to cut out the words so that they were all separate pieces.
Here are my finished cards.

I mounted them onto 4 1/4 by 8 1/2 Pool Party cardstock, folded in half. I only pictured three because I already sent one of the birthday cards to my friend Charlotte. I hope she liked it :)