
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week one on the Year in Review

So far I have remembered to take a photo every day this year!  Of course there have only been 7 days so far, but that's longer than some New Year's Resolutions last, right? 
I was also thinking about what I want the pages to look like and I am going back and forth on this one.  Part of me thinks I want to keep a very simple white background and just focus on the photos and the embellishments.  Then I saw this download called "A year in Review" and I thought maybe that would be a good download to use.  This Photobook template uses some basic paper backgrounds and just a few embellishments but it looks great and works for what I am trying to do.  The Photobook has a two page spread for each month, so I would have to add some pages.  I think I would just copy the basic page for the month and just change up the photo boxes.  Basically, I will end up with 5 January pages instead of the two shown, but they would all match and be similar.  I would then have 5 February pages that look like the ones shown, and on and on.   Here is what I mean....
This is what the January page looked like in the template. 
Below is how I changed it to accommodate more photos on the page.  At the very bottom you can see how I added some duplicate pages to the January and February areas.  I used the "insert duplicate page "feature".  I will then change up the pages in different ways to add journaling and photo boxes.
And here is week one, January 1st through 4th.
I also made an opening page, based on the template included in the download.
Yea!  So happy to have started this project.  Who else is working on a "Year in Review" type book this year?  Let me know what templates you are using.  I would love to hear your ideas!

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