Hi Everyone! I thought I would show you a card made with this weeks digital deal
"Wonderfall." This is a really fun download and the price is great, only $4.77 for 12 papers, 5 punches, and 7 stamps. I love the leaf punches that come with this kit so that is what I am using here. I filled one with glimmer paper, one with newsprint, and one with burlap.
The card is super easy and the only thing I need to point out is how to get a burlap wreath. Normally you fill punches with paper, but there is a way to fill them with other things from your embellishment folder. For the Burlap leaf you would go into your embellishment folder and chose the largest flat piece of burlap, which in this case is the flag.
One you have applied the burlap flag to your page you can click on the "Crop" button to the right, and you will then get this crop box. Click "crop shape" at the bottom and all your punch choices will appear.
When you make your punch choice it may not always fit your image so you will need to make your leaf smaller until it fits within the burlap, just drag one of your corner editing points in until it fits.
OK, now it fits. Click OK to apply it to your page, and then you can edit the leaf to make it bigger or smaller, what ever you like.

I found some other fun choices to fill punches with. Cordoroy buttons to fill the acorn, woodcuts to fill the elm leaf, lace ribbon to fill the leaf that I don't know what tree it comes from :)
Here is a page I made a year or so back. On this page I cropped a lace ribbon with the heart punch.
Thanks for stopping by!