
Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Years Resolutions

This year I want to try something a little different in my scrapbooks.  I am going to try to make a "Year in Review" type book at just about one year from today.   I will be trying my very best to take at least one photo a day and to then complete a page about the week.  52 weeks a year, so a 52 page book.  Who's with me?  Come on, there is safety in numbers!! We can do this.  Now you might be saying that you have tried this before and after a few months you realized you missed a few days and so you had to abandon the whole endeavor.  I say no, we keep going.  Some weeks may not have a photo of everyday, but you can still journal about the week.  What if your sick and spent the time in bed?  I say that week you say something like "sick in bed" and add a bunch of ZZZZZ... 's to your page.  What if you can't squeeze the week into just one page because it was just so fantastic?  that's OK, there are no rules!  But, this is just a review, so maybe a few highlights of the week and if there was just so much, perhaps that week needs its own book too, like a vacation or something.  It may not end up at 52 pages, maybe 48 or maybe 59? who knows?  And this "Year in Review" is not going to replace other special pages throughout the year, it is simply a review.  I am going to be working in a square format, seems to work nicely for me.  Probably 12 x 12 but one of the nice things about MDS is I can change it to 8 x 8 at any time if I change my mind.   Here is my cover.  I hope that you will join me!  I will be posting sketch pages and finished pages through out the year, hopefully each week but we know life gets in the way sometimes.  I hope that you will share your thoughts and progress as well! 

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