
Monday, November 25, 2013

MDS Monday #42

    Hi everyone!  It's Monday again!  You know what that means, a new challenge at MDS Monday!  Today Holly has a card sketch for us to try.  There is also an added challenge to change a stamp into a punch, which I didn't get a chance to try.  Crazy week for me this week.  I am going to give it a try later though and I will add that card to the challenge links as well. 
    Here is my take on the sketch, and then the sketch...

    Head on over to the MDS Monday site and see what the other team members came up with.  Then, give it a try of your own.  We would love to see what you make, so be sure to add your link.   You don't need to have your own blog to link to, you can add your project to other online galleries as well, such as the site.

    What do you think of that cute frame and paper I used?  I love it!  It is from the new My Digital Studio Downloadable class from Stampin' Up!  This kit is full of fun elements for your pages, and I really love the colors. 
    Here is a sampling of what you get.  I love those papers.  The frame shown comes in several colors too.  #135912    $29.95 gets you the downloadable class as well as the digital kit!

    Fun papers!

    Thanks for stopping by today!! 

    Friday, November 22, 2013

    8 Days left

    There are only 8 days left of the MDS sale!!  Yikes!  I have 24 pages ready to go, but I need to finish my Hawaii book and my cookbooks.  Not to mention the Christmas cards!  What are you working on?    Do you have un-printed pages?   I love to print out my pages but I have heard from several of you that you don't print them out!  What are you waiting for?  I know, the idea of having them bound into a book is great because they take up less space and look so clean and professional.  But, printing out single pages is easy and gets them into the hands of friends and family.  I don't create pages in order, so some are from 2009, some from last week and some from even before I was born!!  I have several large ring albums and I add them in where they fit best and keep on going.  My kids love to go through the pages and look at things that happened.  They love to re-live their birthday or see themselves with that missing tooth.  I think it helps the family bond too.  They can see themselves working together to make homemade pizza or play on the swings.   So, if you haven't printed your pages, now it the time!  Need help?  Let me know, I will guide you through it.  It's worth it to see the kids looking at the pictures and smiling.  8 more days everyone!!!  Downloads are on sale too : )   

    Monday, November 18, 2013

    MDS Monday #41

    Hi all!  It's Monday again!  You know what that means!  MDS Monday!  Today I am the hostess, and I have a scrapbook sketch for you.  Hope  you like it. 

    I choose to use the kit "Be Yourself" for my page.  I love the brightness and the feel of water coloring.  It was perfect for my page. 

    Head on over to MDS Monday and see what the other design team members have come up with.  Then give it a try yourself.  We would love to see what you create!

    Tuesday, November 12, 2013

    Fabulous Downloads

    Good grief Digi friends!  Did you see today's downloads?!?!  love them all!!  But most of all did you notice that three of them are not just a download but an online class as well?  I love the look of this watercolor digital kit and class.  It's called "Beautiful Today".   If you go check it out, be sure to click on the magnifying glass in the corner, the other elements of the kit are great!  It comes with an alphabet stamp brush and banners and loads of great stamps in a soft watercolor look.  

    Check out this next one.  There are tons of great elements to all to a page!  I need this one as well !  The papers are great and if you look through the pictures of what the kit comes with, you will find a bunch of frames and journaling boxes, and lots of fun sayings for your page.  Super fun!

    This next kit is appropriately named "Love this".   Check out those overlay frames! There are lots of other lovely words too, and again, fantastic papers!

    All three of the above come with a digital class!  And, Stampin' Up! is going to give some away on their Facebook Page!
    Use this linky to be entered in to win!

    Ok, those were the class downloads announced today, there were also some fun Christmas downloads today!  Here are my two favorites...
    This "Sweet on Christmas" will be great for the recipe book I'm working on for my Christmas cookies. 

    And who doesn't love Jolly Old St. Nick? 

    Head on over to the store and get a closer look at the downloads, and enter to win at the facebook page!

    Monday, November 11, 2013

    MDS Monday #40


    Hi Everyone!  Its MDS Monday time again!  This week Heidi has a fun card sketch for us!  It uses a super fun Polaroid frame. What a fun look.  I decided to go with a birthday card, I need a Birthday card for a ten year old girl who's birthday is near Christmas.  I actually used a stamp brush with Christmas presents, but added the blue so it wouldn't be too Christmassy. I may change the ribbon to blue too, not sure yet.  That is the beauty of digital, you can change things with just a click!  I've got a few weeks before I need to print it out, so I have a while to make my decision.  What do you think?  Blue? Red? 
    In my little speech bubble I used the "Opacity" button to change the "Ten" behind the happy birthday to an opacity level of 28.  You can still see it, but the happy birthday is super visible too.  I hope you like today's card.  Head on over to the MDS Monday blog and check out what the other team members came up with!!  Then give the sketch a try of your own! I would love to see what you come up with!!

    Thursday, November 7, 2013

    Christmas Frameables

    I made this fun Framable to decorate the side table in the hallway. It will look fun among the garland and candles.  The flash and glass are making it appear dull in the photo by the colors are actually much more vibrant in real life.  I also make a few other versions that I am thinking of hanging in a row going up the stairs or in the hall. 

    Here are some other versions.  What do you think?  Kinda fun and different? 

    I also made a version for my son.  I may hang it on the door to his room, or make one for each of the kids and hang them by their cubbies where they do their homework. 

    And, check it out!! I made my first video!!  I had to do it three times.  The first time I had the sound off, the second time my daughter came into the room yelling about her brother messing up her pillow house.  It could still use another take but I just couldn't bring myself to do it again :) 
    Hope it helps explain how I made the frameable and gives you some ideas of your own! 
     Lookie!!  My video is on YouTube!  And how did I do that?  I didn't.  I admit it, I am not tech savvy at all!  But, I do have a 6th grader :)  Thanks David!!

    Wednesday, November 6, 2013

    MDS - Great for flyers and everyday

    I just love MDS (My Digital Studio).  Really I do.  I  use it all the time.  I have made loads of place cards and food labels, and signage for crafts.  So many uses.  This project is for the front of a binder.  Stampin' Up! has lots (seriously tons) of new things happening all the time.  New monthly stamp sets, new specials, new tools, new sales.  It was hard to keep up. So I decided I needed a binder to keep all the new flyers in.  I didn't want to be caught at a stamp camp with out the flyer for the new Envelope Punch Board for example, or the fun Flip Thinlit dies.  Or the Best of Snow that just came out on November 1st.  Most binders have a clear pocket in the front that you can slide a cover into.  I made this fun page to slip into that pocket.  It uses the Amped Up Ampersands kit, a super fun kit.  I thought it worked super well to showcase all the additional items Stampin' Up! comes up with outside of the actual catalog.  Fun?  So, for those of you who come to Stamp Camp, keep your eyes open for this binder and check out what's new.

    Monday, November 4, 2013

    MDS Monday #39

    Hi all!  Its Monday again!  Time For a new sketch at MDS Monday! This week there is a scrapbook page.  I had a few pictures from the class trip to the Apple Orchard and this sketch was just perfect for them.  I am still loving the Burlap download, so of course I had to use that.  The papers are from the Sweater Weather DSP, love that too. 

    Head on over to MDS Monday and see what the other team members came up with.  Then give the sketch a try yourself, I would love to see what you can do with MDS!

    Todays 50% off download is the Modern Medleys Overlay kit! This is a great download! You get 12 papers, but they are not really papers, they are 12 x 12 stamps, so that you can color them any way you want!  Super fun and you can make them match anything.  I love that!    Here are the patterns...
    Imagine being able to recolor these patterns to match anything in your photos.  use the color match tool or a standard Stampin' Up! color.  Or, color it with the coloring tool to get multiple colors!  Imagine strips to match an outfit or occasion.  Here is a picture of what that would look like...
    Fun!  Make them any color you want. 
    Thanks for stopping by!

    Sunday, November 3, 2013

    National Scrapbooking Days

    Hi digi scrapers!  This is National Digital Scrapbooking week at Stampin' Up!  National Digital Scrapbooking day was officially November 2nd, but Stampin' Up! is celebrating all through Friday November 8th with 50 % off a new download each day.  I hope you check them out.  So far I've already had them all (scary!!)  but they are great downloads, so if you don't have them, you should really check them out.  There are also challenges with the downloads and you can win $20 worth of downloads! 
    Today's 50 % off download is the "All Time Favorite" download.  This download is just loaded with Stamps.  The download is a Full 24 page photo book, but when you get a photo book, you not only get the pre-designed book, you get all the elements that go along with it.  In this case you get 13 papers, 13 embellishments, and 134 Stamps!   This is a super fun download.  You can see what people are doing with this download in the gallery at

    Don't forget to check back all week to see what the new 50% off download will be!

    Friday, November 1, 2013

    Digital Scrapbooking Days are here!

    Stampin' Up! is celebrating Digital Scrapbooking Days!  November 1 - 8.  As you may know, its National Digital Scrapbooking Day on November 2nd.  Check out the site tomorrow for a FREE download!!   And, all week there will be guest bloggers, challenges, and 50% off a selected download each day.   There is also the current 30% off Sale on MDS Print Products and selected downloads going on all month. 
    Today they are featuring the Amped Up Ampersands download at 50% off.  This is a really fun download that I unfortunately already have, so not a deal for me, but it's super cute so go check it out.  They show a few samples with the kit, and there is a contest too!  Here is the  link.

    Also, if  you are in my area, I will be at the St. John's Lutheran Church Craft Sale tomorrow Nov. 2nd from 9 to 2:30.  Come and say Hi! 

    And be sure to get your free download tomorrow!

    this kit has 12 papers, 12 embellishments and 23 stamps.  Normally $9.95, today $4.98  item #134844