
Friday, November 22, 2013

8 Days left

There are only 8 days left of the MDS sale!!  Yikes!  I have 24 pages ready to go, but I need to finish my Hawaii book and my cookbooks.  Not to mention the Christmas cards!  What are you working on?    Do you have un-printed pages?   I love to print out my pages but I have heard from several of you that you don't print them out!  What are you waiting for?  I know, the idea of having them bound into a book is great because they take up less space and look so clean and professional.  But, printing out single pages is easy and gets them into the hands of friends and family.  I don't create pages in order, so some are from 2009, some from last week and some from even before I was born!!  I have several large ring albums and I add them in where they fit best and keep on going.  My kids love to go through the pages and look at things that happened.  They love to re-live their birthday or see themselves with that missing tooth.  I think it helps the family bond too.  They can see themselves working together to make homemade pizza or play on the swings.   So, if you haven't printed your pages, now it the time!  Need help?  Let me know, I will guide you through it.  It's worth it to see the kids looking at the pictures and smiling.  8 more days everyone!!!  Downloads are on sale too : )   

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