
Monday, July 29, 2013

MDS Monday #25

It's Monday again!  This time Rochelle has the sketch and challenge! Rochelle's challenge is to incorporate numbers into the page.  This page is somewhat busy, but it goes with the craziness that is happening in the pictures.  The kids had an idea to see how long they could keep the rollers spinning on the roller slide.  They had me set the timer on my phone and kept at it for a long time.  They started to run out of steam and asked me how long they had been at it and when I told them 9 minutes they were
determined to make it to ten. 

Here is the sketch.  Now head on over to the MDS Monday site and see what the other design team members came up with. 


  1. The numbers and the arrows tell such a fun story! Love it!

  2. This came out great.. I really like the elements you added to your background it goes with the photos perfect! Looks like a lot of fun at the playground.
