
Friday, May 3, 2013

More Teacher Gifts

I designed this note pad for the teachers at my sons' school.  Yesterday I showed you the project for my daughter's teacher, so I thought I would show you what I made for my 5th grade son David and my Kindergarten son Zachary's teachers.  The boys have  several teachers, so I had lots to do, MDS is perfect when you want to make multiples.  I designed the note pads, then just changed the text box with the teacher's names.  David is in a program called REACH for math and language arts, and also has his 5th grade teacher, so he needed 2 gifts.  Zachary gets extra help in his reading and math and has a kindergarten teacher, so he needed 3.  It was super easy to just change the text box of the names, and then send them off to the printer.  I wanted note pads, and Stampin' Up! doesn't print note pads, so I decided to go with a company called Vista Print.  My husband had pens made through them and the pens came in just 5 days, so I decided to give them a try.  THREE DAYS!!  That's it!!  I got my custom note pads in three days!!  I was so surprised.   They are super cute and I'm bummed I did not make one for myself!  Here is what I sent to the printer.
And here it is in real life!  I made matching cards with my real stamps.  I then bagged them up with some Hershey kisses and tied some left over Sale-A-Bration ribbon to the bags and I was done!!  I got two pads for each teacher, so ten pads for $53.82 including the shipping.  I did have a nice coupon but I see Vista Print coupons all the time so I am sure they are easy to come by.  I will definitely use them again.   Maybe I need to design some pens in MDS?  FUN!  
Here is the pad with the matching card.  The card was inspired by Mary Brown, who always inspires.  And since I made the pads match the cards I guess she inspired those too.
Here they are all bagged up!
Now, go make some MDS gifts!!  Mother's Day is coming you know!!

1 comment:

  1. Saw your sample at, and stopped in to find out if you had the notepads professionally printed... I'm gonna have to do this! So much better than printing and cutting yourself and having loose sheets. Awesome idea, Beth!
