
Monday, December 31, 2012

Making Cookies

Making Cookies with my daughter was so much fun this year.  She was able to do each step by herself and was very proud of her finished gingerbread men.  One of my New Years Resolutions is to include myself in more of my Scrapbook pages.  I never do, and years from now when my children get these books, they will have no pictures of me.  So, even though I am still in my pajamas and have no makeup on, I included the picture my husband took that morning.  Another resolution is to go on a diet so that I look better in my photos :) 

For this page I used papers and embellishments from the Homestyle Happiness download, perfect for Christmas pages. 

I also used the gingerbread man from the Homemade Happiness template page.
The ornament shapes are digi punches from the Holiday ornament keepsakes kit. (#131360)
Thanks for stopping by today!

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