
Monday, November 24, 2014

MDS Monday #91 take two

Hi Everyone!  This week is a crazy one for everyone and so MDS Monday is keeping up last weeks challenge for another week.  But, since I need my MDS fix and love using the challenges to make my pages, I decided to make another one!! Here is my second page for challenge #91!  We hope you get a chance to play along with us this week!
Click here to see the challenge and what the rest of the design team has come up with.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Digital Weekly Deal ~ Autumn Spice

Hi Everyone!  Did you see the weekly deals this week?  The digital kit is a SUPER GREAT DEAL!  I really love the French Foliage Stamps set, and the papers from this kit are among my favorite fall papers.

I made this card in MDS back in September.
You can see the post here.

Here is a card I made with this download a few years back.  I love the sentiment and the Acorn.

Finally a Fall page, one of the very first pages I made with MDS back in 2011.  This is a really pretty download kit so if you don't have it, pick it up this week while it is on sale.  It's only $5.97 this week!
Autumn Spice Digital Kit

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

MDS Monday # 91

Hello everyone!  Happy Tuesday!  I am finally getting around to posting my MDS Monday project! Opps!  This week Tara has a simple sketch for us, as well as a challenge to use numbers on our page.  The sketch has three photo boxes and I have three kids so I decided to make a page of them. My page is so simple its silly to write about it, but sometimes simple is just right.  I really like the photos of the children and they really shine on this non cluttered page. 

Here is the sketch.  Head on over to the MDS Monday site to see what the rest of the design team has come up with, then give the sketch a try of your own.  We hope you will play along with us this week!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wonderfall card

Hi Everyone! I thought I would show you a card made with this weeks digital deal "Wonderfall." This is a really fun download and the price is great, only $4.77 for 12 papers, 5 punches, and 7 stamps.  I love the leaf punches that come with this kit so that is what I am using here.   I filled one with glimmer paper, one with newsprint, and one with burlap. 

The card is super easy and the only thing I need to point out is how to get a burlap wreath.  Normally you fill punches with paper, but there is a way to fill them with other things from your embellishment folder. For the Burlap leaf you would go into your embellishment folder and chose the largest flat piece of burlap, which in this case is the flag.

One you have applied the burlap flag to your page you can click on the "Crop" button to the right, and you will then get this crop box.  Click "crop shape" at the bottom and all your punch choices will appear. 

When you make your punch choice it may not always fit your image so you will need to make your leaf smaller until it fits within the burlap, just drag one of your corner editing points in until it fits.

OK, now it fits.  Click OK to apply it to your page, and then you can edit the leaf to make it bigger or smaller, what ever you like.

I found some other fun choices to fill punches with.  Cordoroy buttons to fill the acorn, woodcuts to fill the elm leaf, lace ribbon to fill the leaf that I don't know what tree it comes from :) 

Here is a page I made a year or so back.  On this page I cropped a lace ribbon with the heart punch. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

One room school house

This is another page I had stared when I was making the page for my MDS Monday challenge.  Even though it uses almost the same layout, it has a completely different feel to it. My son's class visited a one room school house where they participated in a real classroom experience. He really enjoyed it. I could tell because he came home with lots of stories!

Hope you will give the sketch a try of your own. Remember that this is just a jumping off point, you can switch things up a bit to fit your needs.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fun Download on sale today

Hi Everyone!  I wanted to let you know that the Wonderfall digital kit is on sale this week.  A new digital kit goes on sale each Tuesday but this one is super fun because those leaves are actually punches! You can fill them with anything!! Think glimmer paper, burlap, you
name it.  Here are a couple pages I made with it over the years. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Let it Go ~ Let it snow!

Hi everyone!  Happy MDS Monday to you!  This week I am the hostess at MDS Monday and I hope that you like my sketch challenge!  I want you to play with "Clusters" or groupings of stamps, punches or embellishments on the page.  I am using some fun snowflakes that were originally wood but I recolored them to white.  Did you see lots of Elsa's this Halloween?  I sure did, including my little Jillian.  And, on the morning of Halloween we actually got snow!  It was crazy!  Jillian ran upstairs and put on her Halloween costume and pretended that she was causing the snow to swirl around.

Here is the sketch.  Head on over to the MDS site and see what the rest of the design team came up with.  There is a bit of everything, some used stamps, some punches, and some of us embellishments!  we hope to inspire you to create something fabulous!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Endless Birthday Wishes ~ Card

Hi Everyone!  I decided to make a Birthday card using the idea of Anita's Sketch at MDS Monday this week.  I used the same digital kit that I used for the Monday's page, "Endless Birthday wishes."  This cute card came together in just a few minutes! It's so easy when you use a sketch and select embellishments and papers from one kit. The digital kits come with stamps, papers and embellishments that work seamlessly together.  You can feel confident that your project will look great.

 The "Endless Birthday Wishes" kit #137930 $9.95 comes with 12 papers, 15 embellishments and 44 stamps.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Endless Birthday Wishes

Hi everyone!!  There is a new sketch for MDS Monday!  This time the sketch is brought to us by Anita and it is a really easy one to adapt to so many different types of pages.  When you go to the MDS Monday site you will see pages using the sketch in a very simple bold way, like I did, and some who make very elegant and soft pages.  I know you will see one that you will want to use as inspiration for you page.

We hope that you will give the sketch a try and that you will share what you created with us!

Here is the sketch...

I used the "Endless Birthday Wishes" digital kit for my page! This kit comes with 12 digital papers, 44 stamps, and 15 embellishments.

Thanks for stopping by!